Slop fired Boilers

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For ZLD aimed Projects in Distillery

Slop fired Boilers


  • Ability to burn Spent Wash / Slop with low calorie heat value
  • Reduced Steam generation cost
  • Co firing with Coal , Bagasse, Biomass etc.,
  • SCAPH for better heat recovery and improved combustion
  • Reduced Ash disposal concerns

Salient Features

  • Adequate furnace volume to have optimum residence time
  • Strategically positioned Slop Spray nozzles adequate enough for the evaporation of moisture present is Spent wash / Slop
  • Three pass configuration in which First and Second pass are vertical water cooled membrane wall with no additional heat absorbing surfaces
  • In third pass, super-heaters, evaporator, economizer are provided. The superheater heating surfaces are enclosed in water cooled enclosure.
  • Low flue gas temperature at the inlet of third pass which avoid fouling of alkalis rich ash
  • Wide transverse pitch adoption in Primary Superheater, Secondary Superheater and Economiser. This eliminates the fouling and bridge formation of ash in the heating surfaces.
  • Soot blowers with adequate numbers in the horizontal pass for online and efficient cleaning
  • Provision of Wall blowers & Rapping mechanism to minimize the fouling
  • Optimum back end temperature, i.e at the inlet of ID fan.